Coronavirus (COVID-19) is still spreading across the globe. This isn’t stopping the people of the United Arab Emirates from humanitarian aid though. The 10 Million Meals initiative is showing the true philanthropic nature of the UAE. The initiative beat the 10 million goals and is currently sitting at 11 million meals.
10 Million Meals initiative smashes target goal
The ten Million Meals initiative is a charitable effort to ensure all people of the UAE are able to eat. Thanks to kind donations of food and financial aid the 10 Million Meals initiative broke its goal by over 10%. In conclusion, the total number of meals that the initiative gave out is now a staggering 11 million.
A 10 million Meals features charitable efforts from all sectors of UAE society. Everyone from private companies to entrepreneurs is participating in the initiative. The initiative is under the kind guidance of Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives. Furthermore, there is additional help in the 10 Million Meals campaign from the Social Solidarity Fund Against COVID-19.
As the worldwide home of humanity, it is a great show of solidarity from the UAE in this initiative. The philanthropic generosity of the United Arab Emirates can not be matched in this difficult global time.
Economic safety guarantees for citizens and residents
Preventing economic slowdown is a massive priority for the UAE government. In order to keep the economy running at its most efficient and economic stimulus package is in effect. Authorities have taken the stimulus into their hands, the package is now more than twice its original size.
The preservation of the economic stability of citizens and residents is of massive importance to authorities. At no point will anyone in the UAE have to worry about making it through the Coronavirus pandemic for financial reasons.